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I'm deadly alive
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awww I think I can't sleep tonight..

His voice's still in my mind and saying

"sama sama" and "saya juga sayang kamu"

I was so happy to have been able to talk with him on my birthday..
It was the first time to be cereblated my birthday by my love, and that made me feel amazingly happy..

He's so special for me...
What he's done for me are so different from what my exs have done for me.
I know it's not good to compare with somebody but he's just so special...

I don't know why, but
simply being said "aku sayang km" by him
or saying the same thing to him
fills me with soft n happy feeling

Whenever he tells something in his language
with his soft, attractive and lovely voice,
I feel I'm covered with his affection
I feel so happy and also feel I have nothing scared or worried.

That's what I haven't experienced with other guys
Words were just one of the tools to keep the relationship
One needed me just to heal himself from breaking heart he got with his ex
That was the worst... he didn't love me at all n he never said even "I like you" to me.
The other needed me to stay by his side all the time.
He loved me so much and so did I, but our relationship depended too much on non-verbal communication.
So we didn't get along with anymore after he went back to his home country.

Now, for OUR relationship,
words are primary since we're far away from each other..

I've never told my exs "I love you" more than I do now.
I, I just can't stop saying that phrase to him...
Thousands of times of saying "I love you" still aren't enough
to express my feeling towards him.

He gives me his affection with direct words more than anyone else.
He makes me happy by showing his affection more than anyone else.

Just telling each other "saya sayang kamu"
makes me satisfied n pleased n relieved....
That's an amazing thing.
I now feel he's the one for me...

One thing I feel sad about.
I can't see him...

I can't hug him whenever I want to.
I can't kiss him whenever he feels lonely.
I can't be in his arms whenever I feel lonely.
I can't reach him whenever I want him...

But that's the fate of long distance relationship, huh..

I will be stronger... for you and me, darling. love you so much..
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